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Vape Shop Certification
PRINT THESE OUT: Compliance Posters For Your Vape Shop
PRINT THESE OUT: Compliance Posters For Your Vape Shop
Module I - Regulations
Vape Shop Regulations You Need To Know About (73:35)
Module I Quiz
Module II - Battery safety, Liability & Risk Management
Part 1: Liability Insurance Explained (38:50)
Part 2: Battery Safety - Protecting Your Customers (34:49)
Module II Quiz
Module III - Customer Service & Support
Customer Service (51:33)
Module III Quiz
Module IV - Advocacy
Advocacy and What it Means (57:29)
Module IV Quiz
Module V - Social Media
Social Media - Legalities and Realities (64:29)
Module V Quiz
Module VI - Future Vape Trends
CBD, Kratom, Glassware and The Future of Vape Retail (51:48)
CBD, Kratom, Glassware and The Future of Vape Retail
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